Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Kate O'Mara
Reviewed By: Kate O'Mara (Orignally posted on: Eclectic Homeschool Online)
emotional PURITY: An Affair of the Heart provides wisdom and a pathway for adolescents to follow through the "dating" years. It's hard for a parent to explain to teenagers and young adults that the world has a very different view of dating. It may seem that everyone is dating and they will be left out if they don't date. But that really isn't the case. The truth is that most young people that date carry emotional baggage with them into their marriages that they need not have carried had they only waited for the right person to come along.
Author Heather Paulsen walks the adolescent through the process of remaining emotionally pure until that person, that special person that God has picked for them comes, into their life. In the examples given in the book (and echoed throughout Christian churches) couples who wait for the person God wants them to marry have strong and happy marriages.
Chapter 1, called "Tracy and Mike," recounts a not-uncommon situation. Tracy and Mike are "just friends." They are good company for each other. However, one of them becomes emotionally hopeful or involved or invested in the relationship, while the other doesn't. Broken hearts can result from this worldview of men and women being "just friends."
"Avoiding Early Intimacy" and "Finding Good Guidance" are helpful chapters, as the ways to avoid such intimate scenarios become increasingly important to young people.
"Guarding Your Heart" is a chapter that every young woman should read. "God created women with hearts that are more sensitive and emotional than men's." Who doesn't know this? Some young women try to say they don't have tender hearts, but down deep inside they know that they do. The tender heart of a woman is needed to bond with her husband completely. It is not a good thing to bond in fleeting relationships.
The "Defining Friendship" chapter explains how many folks use the words "just friends" to mean no obligation. But what is a friendship without obligation, without loyalty?? The differences in definitions are staggering and can have intense impact on the young or na Chapter 8, "Trusting in God," shares thoughts, ideas, and Scripture about the fear that many single people have about being single forever. Settling for the wrong mate is not what God wants for you. You must trust God's plan. Preparing for marriage is a big task. To truly know that you are ready for a life-long commitment and understand that God will bring that right person into your life is a very mature concept to grasp.
The chapter called "Dating Done Differently" describes a balanced and Godly approach to dating. Dating with accountability, blessing, and allowing God to be in control (rather than emotions or physical passion) is a beautiful way to find a mate. If you can date with mutual respect and pray on the things that are troubling, you will find that right mate to marry.
Other chapters include: Learning True Contentment, Creating Sage ideals, Watching Your Feelings, Understanding Your Expectations, Following God's Plan, Seeing Christ's Design, and Enjoying Your Single Years. All are full of Scripture references that relate exactly to the issue at hand.
For those who love a happy ending, and I am one, "Continuing My Journey" tells the author's story of her wait before God put she and her husband in the same place at the same time. Their story brings a smile as you find that everyone around them thought they should be together, even before they met.
"Questions for Study and Discussion" lets this volume be used as a personal reference or inner writing guide, or as a group guide for young adults. emotional PURITY is a must read for young, single Christians as well as parents who wish to guide their youth through adolescence.
emotional PURITY: An Affair of the Heart provides wisdom and a pathway for adolescents to follow through the "dating" years. It's hard for a parent to explain to teenagers and young adults that the world has a very different view of dating. It may seem that everyone is dating and they will be left out if they don't date. But that really isn't the case. The truth is that most young people that date carry emotional baggage with them into their marriages that they need not have carried had they only waited for the right person to come along.
Author Heather Paulsen walks the adolescent through the process of remaining emotionally pure until that person, that special person that God has picked for them comes, into their life. In the examples given in the book (and echoed throughout Christian churches) couples who wait for the person God wants them to marry have strong and happy marriages.
Chapter 1, called "Tracy and Mike," recounts a not-uncommon situation. Tracy and Mike are "just friends." They are good company for each other. However, one of them becomes emotionally hopeful or involved or invested in the relationship, while the other doesn't. Broken hearts can result from this worldview of men and women being "just friends."
"Avoiding Early Intimacy" and "Finding Good Guidance" are helpful chapters, as the ways to avoid such intimate scenarios become increasingly important to young people.
"Guarding Your Heart" is a chapter that every young woman should read. "God created women with hearts that are more sensitive and emotional than men's." Who doesn't know this? Some young women try to say they don't have tender hearts, but down deep inside they know that they do. The tender heart of a woman is needed to bond with her husband completely. It is not a good thing to bond in fleeting relationships.
The "Defining Friendship" chapter explains how many folks use the words "just friends" to mean no obligation. But what is a friendship without obligation, without loyalty?? The differences in definitions are staggering and can have intense impact on the young or na Chapter 8, "Trusting in God," shares thoughts, ideas, and Scripture about the fear that many single people have about being single forever. Settling for the wrong mate is not what God wants for you. You must trust God's plan. Preparing for marriage is a big task. To truly know that you are ready for a life-long commitment and understand that God will bring that right person into your life is a very mature concept to grasp.
The chapter called "Dating Done Differently" describes a balanced and Godly approach to dating. Dating with accountability, blessing, and allowing God to be in control (rather than emotions or physical passion) is a beautiful way to find a mate. If you can date with mutual respect and pray on the things that are troubling, you will find that right mate to marry.
Other chapters include: Learning True Contentment, Creating Sage ideals, Watching Your Feelings, Understanding Your Expectations, Following God's Plan, Seeing Christ's Design, and Enjoying Your Single Years. All are full of Scripture references that relate exactly to the issue at hand.
For those who love a happy ending, and I am one, "Continuing My Journey" tells the author's story of her wait before God put she and her husband in the same place at the same time. Their story brings a smile as you find that everyone around them thought they should be together, even before they met.
"Questions for Study and Discussion" lets this volume be used as a personal reference or inner writing guide, or as a group guide for young adults. emotional PURITY is a must read for young, single Christians as well as parents who wish to guide their youth through adolescence.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Colleen Klein
I am 26, and I have read it a couple of times, and since I have never dated, or been in a relationship, some of the information does not apply at this time, but definitely guides my prayers.
The part that impacted me the most is when you talk about our "dating/courtship" relationship to mirror our relationship with Jesus, which means we start with commitment, and not "get to know you and share my heart with you until there is nothing left, then consider commitment".
I have shared that with others, because as Christians, I do believe we tend to adopt the world's standards in relationships: "are our personalities compatible?" or "are their sparks?", instead of trusting the Lord that HE has someone uniquely designed for each of us, if we will seek HIM, and not a spouse! I wish I had an amazing testimony to share with you, but not yet, I am still waiting... :o)
I can see the Lord's protective hand upon my life, though. I had always believed the lies that I was fat and ugly and would never get married, that is why I had never been asked out on date. But the Lord has set me free, and shown me my identity in Himself and that His plans are to protect me from unnecessary hurt and heartache. And that I would spend these single years pursuing Him wholeheartedly. Doesn't He promise to reward those who diligently seek Him? The Lord knows the desires of my heart because He put them there and I know that He has set me apart for some really special man. :o)
The part that impacted me the most is when you talk about our "dating/courtship" relationship to mirror our relationship with Jesus, which means we start with commitment, and not "get to know you and share my heart with you until there is nothing left, then consider commitment".
I have shared that with others, because as Christians, I do believe we tend to adopt the world's standards in relationships: "are our personalities compatible?" or "are their sparks?", instead of trusting the Lord that HE has someone uniquely designed for each of us, if we will seek HIM, and not a spouse! I wish I had an amazing testimony to share with you, but not yet, I am still waiting... :o)
I can see the Lord's protective hand upon my life, though. I had always believed the lies that I was fat and ugly and would never get married, that is why I had never been asked out on date. But the Lord has set me free, and shown me my identity in Himself and that His plans are to protect me from unnecessary hurt and heartache. And that I would spend these single years pursuing Him wholeheartedly. Doesn't He promise to reward those who diligently seek Him? The Lord knows the desires of my heart because He put them there and I know that He has set me apart for some really special man. :o)
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Elissa from The Sonflowerz
I was so encouraged when I read "Emotional Purity"! In a time when culture is teaching us to carelessly toss our hearts to the wind, "Emotional Purity" uncovers the pitfalls and reveals a better way to live the single life. Saving our hearts, and the emotions within, for our spouse is a forgotten tradition. Heather Paulsen has a testimony that is worth reading. She lets readers into a very real journey of finding true love.
Elissa Leander
The Sonflowerz
Elissa Leander
The Sonflowerz
Mary A.
One Sunday, while I was at some friends' house, I noticed your book, "Emotional Purity" on their book shelf. I asked the lady of the house if I could borrow it, and that is how I came to read your book.
Why did I want to borrow the book? Well, first of all, I love to read relationship books, and books dealing with purity, etc. The real reason that the the title of your book caught my eye, however, was because I was desperately trying to find a proper perspective for myself when it comes to guys.
Let me explain. In the fall of '06 I started my freshman year at a small Bible College. Even though I technically knew better, I allowed myself to develop silly, school girl crushes on several of the guys there. I frankly wasted a lot of emotional energy on these "imagined" relationships. I would like to think that I also could have made better grades if I would have remained totally focused on my studies.
Anyway, so this school year, I stayed home to help my parents in their business. However, I am returning to Bible College next fall! Hence why I was and am trying to find the right outlook on the whole "guy thing" before I go back to college. Your book found me in the" nick of time". It reinforced what I already knew, renewed my vision for purity before marriage, and helped me to see that "fantasizing" about a guy that hasn't committed to me" is frankly, STUPID! Hopefully, this next time around, I will keep my focus on God and His Will for me, and my studies. I am bound and determined to keep my thoughts and daydreamin' in check.
Heather, thanks for your book!
Mary 20 yrs. and single
Why did I want to borrow the book? Well, first of all, I love to read relationship books, and books dealing with purity, etc. The real reason that the the title of your book caught my eye, however, was because I was desperately trying to find a proper perspective for myself when it comes to guys.
Let me explain. In the fall of '06 I started my freshman year at a small Bible College. Even though I technically knew better, I allowed myself to develop silly, school girl crushes on several of the guys there. I frankly wasted a lot of emotional energy on these "imagined" relationships. I would like to think that I also could have made better grades if I would have remained totally focused on my studies.
Anyway, so this school year, I stayed home to help my parents in their business. However, I am returning to Bible College next fall! Hence why I was and am trying to find the right outlook on the whole "guy thing" before I go back to college. Your book found me in the" nick of time". It reinforced what I already knew, renewed my vision for purity before marriage, and helped me to see that "fantasizing" about a guy that hasn't committed to me" is frankly, STUPID! Hopefully, this next time around, I will keep my focus on God and His Will for me, and my studies. I am bound and determined to keep my thoughts and daydreamin' in check.
Heather, thanks for your book!
Mary 20 yrs. and single
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Jessie Ward
Emotional Purity has impacted my life in such a great way. God used this book to get my heart on the road to healing. I had just gotten out of an unhealthy relationship and my heart was aching. It's been one year since the breakup and I've been filling the void in my heart with Jesus! Many of my friends have LOVED this book too!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Alyssa Barlow
Alyssa Barlow of BarlowGirl:
I am so excited though to see what God is going to do through this book. It's impacted my life and I KNOW it's going to impact many others.
Alyssa, Heather, Becca, and Lauren
I am so excited though to see what God is going to do through this book. It's impacted my life and I KNOW it's going to impact many others.

Jessica High
Jessica High- 16yrs In a Relationship with Jesus Christ, lover of my soul (or Single, speaking in human terms. :D)
Before I had even started reading Emotional Purity, I had a covenant between God and my parents that I would not date until out of highschool, even then the relationship would be a courtship, with the relationship hopefully ending in marriage. But more privately, I had decided to make Jesus Christ my ONLY love until that time, keeping my heart pure too.
It wasn't too hard to live at first. I had (and have) a great circle of friends. Christ was my life and my love. But by 9th grade, we had switched churches and I was surrounded with a new group of people. Crushes were no big deal, match-making games were funny. I didn't quite know how to deal with all of that. Was I missing something that would be 'just for fun'?
That question became a struggle for me- be an example or have some completely harmless fun? I know many girls or guys make the commitment I had, in respect to keeping my heart pure. I wanted to use my story, but at the same time I wanted to just 'be one of the girls.'
One of my older friends mentioned I might like to read "Emotional Purity." So I borrowed the book and read through it in a couple of days. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I'm not alone. My covenant was important. The book even gave me some new ideas to think about. The confidence I've gained is so well worth it.
Life isn't worrying about "waiting for Prince Charming." Life is about loving Jesus Christ- He only acts in the ways that would most bless us. We're never alone in the fight. Thank you, Heather, for reminding me of this. :)
Before I had even started reading Emotional Purity, I had a covenant between God and my parents that I would not date until out of highschool, even then the relationship would be a courtship, with the relationship hopefully ending in marriage. But more privately, I had decided to make Jesus Christ my ONLY love until that time, keeping my heart pure too.
It wasn't too hard to live at first. I had (and have) a great circle of friends. Christ was my life and my love. But by 9th grade, we had switched churches and I was surrounded with a new group of people. Crushes were no big deal, match-making games were funny. I didn't quite know how to deal with all of that. Was I missing something that would be 'just for fun'?
That question became a struggle for me- be an example or have some completely harmless fun? I know many girls or guys make the commitment I had, in respect to keeping my heart pure. I wanted to use my story, but at the same time I wanted to just 'be one of the girls.'
One of my older friends mentioned I might like to read "Emotional Purity." So I borrowed the book and read through it in a couple of days. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I'm not alone. My covenant was important. The book even gave me some new ideas to think about. The confidence I've gained is so well worth it.
Life isn't worrying about "waiting for Prince Charming." Life is about loving Jesus Christ- He only acts in the ways that would most bless us. We're never alone in the fight. Thank you, Heather, for reminding me of this. :)
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Brett and Alex Harris
Brett and Alex Harris, 19 (The Rebelution)
A helpful examination of the emotional pitfalls of premature guy-girl relationships — even if you don’t “date” and you’re not “courting” yet. A needed book.
A helpful examination of the emotional pitfalls of premature guy-girl relationships — even if you don’t “date” and you’re not “courting” yet. A needed book.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Amazon Review
After much reading, listening, and generally much time spent reviewing what has been recently put out on this subject, this book exceeded my expectations.
The author writes, not from a puritanistic, sheltered perspective, but from a realistic standpoint, yet clearly with a desire to be holy and set apart.
She gives great truths that I think can be easily and clearly communicated to all ages of singles - male and female, youths on up! Phenomenal book - a quick read, but one that I think begs a second - or third - read.
Joy Deen
Joy Deen, 21
I think it addresses issues that many evangelicals do not address in the realm of relationships. It's easy to write a book on staying sexually pure before marriage. Not so easy to write a book on staying emotionally pure before marriage. An excellent read, and quite timely for our society.
Heather, I did want you know I've recommended your book so often to many girlfriends who have told me how much it ministered to them in their time of need.
I think it addresses issues that many evangelicals do not address in the realm of relationships. It's easy to write a book on staying sexually pure before marriage. Not so easy to write a book on staying emotionally pure before marriage. An excellent read, and quite timely for our society.
Heather, I did want you know I've recommended your book so often to many girlfriends who have told me how much it ministered to them in their time of need.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Brittney Bradley
3 adjectives: attainable, provoking, and completely life changing!
Heather's little book of wisdom showed her honesty and vulnerability, but it also displayed courage and paved a path of example that we (Christian Women AND men) CAN walk if we make the decision to follow Christ with our WHOLE heart, mind, soul and strength.
The book isn't a flippant read, rather it penetrates the soul and challenges the mind, in hopes of bringing it to a place of complete surrender to Christ; the reader however, must be willing to embark on the sometimes arduous journey of emotional purity.
At times, Heather warns, it won't be easy. However, she encourages us that in our struggle - Christ's strength is made perfect in our weakness as we rely on Him.
I truly believe that every Christian SHOULD read it! Man or Woman, Single or Married! It is a great tool for parents and child alike. they will both learn a great deal. Especially since there are questions at the end of each chapter. In short: I LOVED THE BOOK!!!
Brittney Bradley (single age 22)
Heather's little book of wisdom showed her honesty and vulnerability, but it also displayed courage and paved a path of example that we (Christian Women AND men) CAN walk if we make the decision to follow Christ with our WHOLE heart, mind, soul and strength.
The book isn't a flippant read, rather it penetrates the soul and challenges the mind, in hopes of bringing it to a place of complete surrender to Christ; the reader however, must be willing to embark on the sometimes arduous journey of emotional purity.
At times, Heather warns, it won't be easy. However, she encourages us that in our struggle - Christ's strength is made perfect in our weakness as we rely on Him.
I truly believe that every Christian SHOULD read it! Man or Woman, Single or Married! It is a great tool for parents and child alike. they will both learn a great deal. Especially since there are questions at the end of each chapter. In short: I LOVED THE BOOK!!!
Brittney Bradley (single age 22)
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Reviewed by Christa Hahn (Hammond, MT), January 17, 2008
This book is so powerful! I think every single person, from high school on up should read it! It really made such an impact on my life! The author gives a true perspective on boy/girl relationships and gives wonderful insight on how to keep your heart pure. Such a blessing in my life!
This book is so powerful! I think every single person, from high school on up should read it! It really made such an impact on my life! The author gives a true perspective on boy/girl relationships and gives wonderful insight on how to keep your heart pure. Such a blessing in my life!
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